
Miraculously we made it to school on time today. Miraculous because all 4 children were up in plenty if time but were on a go slow...

Unfortunately for me, ClareClare has started her placement so wasn't out to play first thing. We just went straight to Tiddlers. But we did catch the bus home as a treat.

School Tiddlers this afternoon - I made Red walk there. Which meant by 2.45 he was really rather grumpy. And so was I.

Tea cooked and a quick Skype with Grumpsy before dropping the boys off with Mickey John and Bella off at her friend Lucy.

We were meant to be visiting the lifeboat station with Brownies but they called at 1pm today to cancel as the station was full of Fire Engine stuff! Luckily our illustrious leader Snowy is full of bright ideas and had me ring the Bowling Alley round the corner and book some lanes! The Brownies were delighted (as we're their parents) and a good evening was had by all. Especially Princess who had a lane all to herself...

Just time now to tidy the kitchen and do the lunches before I head off to collect Bella from Guides and then await Mr Tesco. Non stop excitement my life I can tell you...

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