One A Day 2011

By oneaday2011

Au Revoir Mon Ami

Work will not be the same without CM7. Who will smash up my crisps? Who will finger my sandwiches? Who will write massively inappropriate things in my diary? Who will laugh with me when I check into hideously disgusting hotels in North Wales? Who will I create the daftest PowerPoint presentations with ('Rug-o-rama - Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow')? Who will I win the Christmas talent competition with ("I wan that one")? Who will I dream up 'learning interventions' with like the matchbox factory, meet me in a minute and the Action Team wall? Who will start a game of 'last letter first letter' with the WHOLE train whilst coming home from London? Who will I talk to for hours, no days, no weeks, no years about psychological type? Who will I type a robot with? (ISTJ if you're wondering). And who will make work a better place to be?

The last 9 years have been a blast. I will miss you mate xx

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