Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Grappa Glasses

We had a friend over last week that we have traveled with to Italy and H and he had a spot of grappa. My favorite part of this ritual is the glasses,(the drink is TOO strong for me) which I think are very elegant, here on a glass shelf in my window with that spring green and SUNSHINE outside! Here's what it says on the Stolzle website for this glass (i think it's this one, they were a gift from another friend.)
"Grappa walks a fine liner, balancing finesse and complex bouquet with a strong alcoholic punch. The ideal grappa glass has a widened base and tall, narrow chamber that keeps the nose high above the heavy volatile fumes of alcohol and allows delicate aromas tyo rise up to the taster. A long, thin stem keeps the hand from making contact with the bowl, preventing unnecessary warming that increases the alcoholic "burn" on the nose." !!!

We first had some at an italian restaurant in The village in NYC , brought from the basement in a jug. Not so good. There is a big variation, some is very smooth - and now other countries are trying to say they can make grappa, but it has to be italian!

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