Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Faces of Fiona #57

May Day -Tues, our day with Fiona. There are peaceful protest marches (for workers' and immigrants' rights) in downtown Seattle (after 5PM) as I write, with only a small group of protestors intent on violence and vandalism. The police I saw on TV just now had riot gear on. Oh dear!
We had our own day of protests with this "terrible two" here all day. Putting all the dolls to bed, drawing with markers, doing puzzles (she's good at this) and games, many bubbles blown outside in the patio, ball throwing, a trip to the playground with lots of swing time for her and Penny the doll, a snack at the neighborhood cafe, not much lunch, NO NAP, kept getting up for more play with anything at hand, and a tired very fierce temper tantrum when we had to take her home (of course she fell asleep in the car).......we're too old for this!
Haven't done a B/W of her for awhile so here is Fiona enjoying her own small cup of foam from my latte! She takes her shirt off to eat. Must be a preschool thing... (She IS hard to resist, :-) but we'll be happy when this phase is past....)

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