Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

shopping and lunch


We have had a lovely day together today. It all started by getting up together which is not something that is acheived very often due to Chris' frequent nightshifts. We had planned to go to a nearby park but decided to do that tomorrow and head out shopping instead. Perfectly timed, Amelie fell asleep in the car en route and we transferred her into the buggy where she continued to sleep for a good while. Whilst she was asleep I managed to buy a few summer things for myself and a few other bits and pieces. She was hungry when she woke up so we headed to Bella Italia (because we had Tesco vouchers!) where she had her first ever children's meal! I hadn't expected her to be that interested but she was so excited when it arrived! She did well with the fish fingers, enjoyed picking up the peas/sweetcorn individually and putting it on the ground and ate a few chips once I'd put some ketchup on them for her (should I be encouraging her love of ketchup? Probably not). So a success! As much as I would love to say she was beautifully behaved as always, she did have a good few mini tantrums and I can't decide whether its teeth, jags or both affecting her. Or just the simple frustrations on being 13 months old. Probably a combination of all three...

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