Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan



A lazy blip today. But a significant one all the same. These are the two books that Amelie absolutely loves at the minute. She is so good for picking books up, bringing them over and climbing into our laps to read them with us. I have always been a bookworm so this pleases me. We have to read each one about three times before she wants to move onto the next one. And now she is getting really good at the 'animal sounds' book, automatically attempting 'cock a doodle do' upon first sight of the cockrel before I have even had a chance to say it. My clever little monster!

Chris tried to keep her occupied today whilst I watched THE wedding (I love a good wedding!) but failed miserably and she spent most of the time stamping (a new skill) around and shouting all the words she knows. I think it may have had something to do with the 5 chocolate buttons (yes, it only takes 5) I gave her before he got up. Oh well...

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