Country File

By marypot

Happy Mother's Day!

I don't know which other countries other than the UK - if any - celebrate Mother's Day today or if they have it later in the year like in the US. Well, wherever you are, and whenever you usually celebrate it, I hope all the mums here have had a lovely day today!

We had a wonderful time. We went out for a little drive this afternoon to see some 'wooly cows' that we have often driven past on the way to Carlisle. I think my husband (mojopin8) might post a pic of them as his blip later! When we were out of the car taking photos, we met the parents of two children who go to the school where I teach, who were out for a walk near their home, and we ended up going to their house for a cup of tea and some ginger biscuits.

Anyway, I didn't get any decent pictures when we were out and about, so I thought that I'd post a self-portrait of Grace and me. Motherhood has been the greatest adventure of my life so far and the most wonderful experience I could ever imagine, despite the continuing sleepless nights! Here's to many more happy, happy mother's days!

Update: Hubby has now posted his shot of the Wooly Cows !!!

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