Baloo and the 3 Rescues

By Iselle

Sleepy Hollow

Woke to dense fog at 6:30 this morning, which made for a truly spectacular walk up into the hills and across the boundary fence to the neighbouring farm.

I was intrigued by the ice crystals on the tips of the long grass, the enormous spiderwebs dangling from trees and bushes, the deafening silence (interrupted only by the dogs' panting)... it was all just so beautiful and magical.

I had so many lovely images to choose from by the time we got back to our unit, but nothing came close to this "synchronised" rolling-in-the-bird-poop picture of Paddington and Baloo... Priceless!

We're leaving in the morning, but I'm not quite ready to go home yet. Wish we could stay just a little while longer. The dogs are so happy here, and so am I:)

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