The List Lady

By listlady

The Lion, The Witch and...

...the Wardrobe.

The stuff-shifting continued today, in readiness for the central heating being ripped out and replaced this week. This is the last of the big things we have moved, the one I was dreading. It is a great, solid, no muckin' about wardrobe. And it's heavy. This picture was taken just before we moved it (apologies for the crookedness of the shot, was in a hurry and wasn't paying attention).

The wardrobe is now slap bang in the middle of the room, hopefully in a place where the plumber can get to all the necessary floorboards for gas and water pipe access and the electrician can get the the necessary floorboards for wiring access to the lights in the lounge. (We decided that while we're in a complete mess we might as well get other stuff done, so rewiring of lounge being done. In for a penny, in for a pound).

Hope everyone enjoyed the Bank Holiday!

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