The List Lady

By listlady

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersen...

This is the fire in my lounge. It is leaving us on Tuesday. Hurrah!!!!

Whilst not wishing to offend any fellow blippers who have a similar fire and actually like it, I have, over the last 10 years, grown to loathe this beast. It's presence in our lounge has been allowed to continue only because it is connected to a back boiler which does the necessary for our central heating and hot water. So, with the new central heating system, new boiler (in new location), this beast can go. Phew!

Today has been a day of shifting things - Hubbie and I cleared most things from our bedroom today and sorted the contents of the airing cupboard, a sentence that really doesn't convey how looooonnnngggg it took! Tomorrow, we clear the kids playroom. I may not be sane by the end of tomorrow. Watch this space!

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