michigan man

By outdoorguy

Mother Robin

Spring in the mid-west has many indicators.
1. Construction crews come out of hibernation.
2. Wylers Freeze Pops make an appearance in the stores.
3. The Detroit Tigers have lost 6 straight.
4. 6 baby geese in the park today.
5. Motorcycles out and about.
6. Garden centers already putting their stuff on sale.
7. You check to see if you have any gas in the grill.
8. Lawn chairs out of storage.
9. You spot your first bee.
10. First haircut for the daschund.

But, to me, there are only two real signs of spring. 1. The robin shows up. I have had robin pictures for about 7-8 days, but in my walk to the river today...I spotted this new nest. He or she did an excellent job on the nest. After the trees leaf out, I think it will be hidden pretty good. It's about 10 feet up and overhangs the river just a bit. I hope to be able to see the babies when they leave the egg. Nothing say Spring like a mother robin dive-bombing you for getting too close.

And, number 2. Today I saw a mailman in shorts. That's my #1 indicator. Back when I worked at the Post Office, we had a contest every year. Once you put on the shorts...you had to leave them on, no matter what. When you went to pants, you were out. I never did win. We had guys go into December and January still in shorts. Thinking back... They really looked ridiculous.

Now that I've seen both things.....HAPPY SPRING!!!!!!!

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