
By Mememe

Who Is Eyeing Who?

A quiet start to my day, I was awake before 7am which for me is early.

Saw the psychiatrist this morning, was an emotional time but was worthwhile. He has said that until I am able to get onto a D.B.T. {Dialectical Behaviour Therapy} course I will see him on a regular basis and that he doesn't want to increase any of my medications. A few weeks back I filled in a questionnaire for him and he has told me that I scored enough to make it clear that I have an emotionally unstable borderline personality disorder. That is a huge mouthful to say and is fairly hard to get my head around, but in some ways it is good to have a diagnosis other than depression.

Tina and I met at Neston Farm Shop and we spent a lot of time taking pictures of the pigs, we were feeding the pigs some fresh grass and I made Tina laugh when I said 'sit' to a pig, then the cows came out! There was one big hairy one with a young calf and a lot of the cows still in calf.

I really enjoyed watching the cows and was sticking my tongue out at the cows when I realised that T was taking pictures, so far I haven't looked to see if she used an 'iffy' pic of me, but will check soon

As I was taking this picture I said that it was one of 2 that I might use for this blip, and on seeing it on the screen it just had to be

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