Lady in Red!

For the past few weeks my hair which is usually unmanagable has just been sprouting out like a bush! Indeed my hair serves no useful purpose other than to act a s a weather vane and indicate which way the wind is blowing.

Today I decided to go and get it cut short which is how I prefer it and so duly got it shorn. Then as there was more grey than brown and I could still hear hear the words of my late mother who would ruthlessly deal with any hint of grey in her dark locks, would say to me "get rid of that salt & pepper in your hair" So with these words still ringing in my ears I went to the chemists and stared at the humongous array of hair dye products! Saw a box with words dark and the lusheous female on the front had nice dark hair so I grabbed said box , came home and proceeded with the deed..

Spread the suff liberally over my heid then rinsed it off with the shower then towel dried it. As the bathroom mirror was steamed up I wiped it and stared for a full minute at the mirror then wiped the bloody mirror again! then my brain started working and I realised I had turned GINGER!!! Aaarrrg, grabbed the bloody box it came in and read the imortal words Dark AUEBURN! Buggerations, I am now carroty red and I cannont go into the danm chemist to get the right colour as they will know I have made a blunder! and when my bloody kids see it they will ridicule me to high Heaven!

Well they do say that blondes and red heads have more fun so bring it on baby!
Moral of the box idiot!

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