Oddball day

Work in the morning espcially editing all the pictures from Tues drama day to email off to the various schools that took part. In the afternoon I had to meet with someone in Lochgoilhead and then with a local photographer to discuss a possible project. The light was all to Hell so took this snap of Beinn a Lochain and played about with it to make it look like the old hand tinted post cards of yester year. Personally it looks like it was edited by somone that was high on either whacky backy or deoch!
My brief turn on the Kaye Adams show this morning was hijacked by some other wuman and I was glad just to listen, think if I had said that she had a hang up about her assests she may have just lost the plot! so played quietish. After the show they phoned back asking for my bank details to pay me! I said "away and dont be stupid" I only uttered one or two sentences at the most and certainly didnt want paid for that! no wonder the Beeb are broke! I should have asked them to reduce my licencse instead!

Happy blipping

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