Not a happy bunny

My quest for passports for Chris and I took a further step backwards today...
1st attempt at check and send.....countersignatory had signed over the line of the box, had to get new forms filled in and resigned
2nd attempt......Chris` birth certificate was illegible due to many years of being folded up in various wallets and had practically fallen apart.....had to send off for replacement
3rd attempt....everything was fine said the Lithuanian girl behind the counter, but you do realise as you are 1st time applicants you will have to go for an interview to verify your selves which may take a little longer..{we`re British for gods sake born and bred} go the application forms
Today I get a phone call from a lovely chap at the passport and identity office.....we have applied for a renewal and no expired passports had been sent and as I have been known by 2 different names since birth I should have enclosed my marriage certificate
Erm, why did the post office not pick this up before all the forms got sent off??
All was nicely sorted and I dashed off to the post office and sent marriage certificate off Special delivery. The lovely Phil assured me that there was plenty of time and he would send me a refund letter so I could get back the £8.38p I had paid for `not` checked and sent properly........
Took this pic of the `Horsepool` on way back from the Post Office, it`s looking lovely now with all the trees and plants in flower and the resident Mallards on the pond.
Back home for a bacon butty and a brew

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