Thorntons Digital

By thorntonsdigita

In search of the Sun

I really didn't know what to blip tonight and I didn't want to blip any old thing. At one point I though it would be old Mica but then whilst up the allotment with Craig playing around with my compact the penny dropped that I had an automatic sunset scene setting. I played around with it for a while. Then I notice it was going to be a brillant sunset so I went in search of the Sun in Welton and bingo I found the best spot to photograph a sunset in Welton so I don't have to go far as it's only up the road. In serach of the sun I had a another nice surprise Fantastic Mr Fox ran straight in front of me, wasn't quick enough to snap him though. I'm quite happy with my sunset. Just shows that being obsessed with the manual settings isn't always good. Although I have manual setttings on my compact the sunset setting did much better.

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