Thorntons Digital

By thorntonsdigita

Naughty Mr Postman

I've been waiiting patiently for the delivery of my canon 5d, was hoping it would have arrived yesterday, but no such luck. No delivery again this morning. Got home to find that he had been tootling around with it in his van all day(that's ehat it felt like) and had tried to deliver it just before 5pm :( normally Craig is in on a Wednesday afternoonand all would be fine but not today. So now I have to wait till Mr Postie has done his Thursday morning rounds and then we can collect it after 11am. Am just hoping that Craig can get home in time from appointment so that he can collect and drop it off to me in time for my lunch. Hopefully I will be able to blip my new toy tomorrow,can't wait.

A Mica blip tonight as I'm really tired and don't feel great. Can't wait till friday am off camping with friends and Craig at Castle Rigg, just hoping the rain holds off

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