must try harder

By halfcj

Not all there!

Thanks to Talpa and Daff for identifying yesterday's blip as the May Bug, I think you are both right judging from the link Daff provided. [Daff, that's two in a row for you!! I'm impressed!]

Today was back to the grindstone day, after the Lord Mayor's show as it were, or maybe the Duke Of Cambridge's show?, not sure which, but hopefully you get the gist. What's worse, I didn't manage to rediscover my dream from the night before. No, instead I found myself back in one of my recurring horrors where I'm based in a pokey flat in my student days, like a tenement block built in the sixties, so I'm talking broom cupboard.

Someone's after me, got a scar across his cheek, long dark curly hair, knows my name screaming 'Jack Nicholson-like' in The Shining as I clamber out the small window at the back of my rabbit hutch. Never seems to go past this point. Almost like this it's the last minute or so of some internal psychic alarm clock that enforces this same memory just as my body anticipates waking? Guess I'll never reach a conclusion.

Wonder what Freud would've make of it. Not sure, but today I couldn't help feeling that it was symbolic of the way my daily work routine has become. No escape. No real conclusion, still waiting. Throughout the day there was that familiar 'can I be bothered' aura smothering my every effort. Couldn't even muster anger over empty promises.

Felt like I had a spear through my head!
(Waited ages for a bus to simulate that!)

PS - just realised, maybe it was appropriate I shot this during the 'blue' hour!?

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