Click goes the Shutter

By RomaWhaup

High Noon at the High Pond

What a day! It is sunny, calm and warm! Prince Andrew was just a couple of hundred yards from our house taking the salute at the parade of servicemen just returned from Afghanistan. But .... I went to the High Pond to get you this blip!

It was just glorious there! I wish you could have been there too, but then I wouldn't have been on my own with the Canada geese (one is slumbering on the water in this picture and the other is on their nest on the island), the pairs of mallards (one in the foreground), the dabchicks (I'll need a better camera to get a good shot of them), a heron, two black-headed gulls and I think one of the male tufted ducks was back for a while. The swallows were swooping and innumerable other birds were singing their hearts out - how I wished Sheila or gladders or RCB was with me to identify them!

Can you see the boathouse in the shadows?

Enjoy the rest of your day - I'm off into town to meet some ex-colleagues.

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