
By Fisherking

...a covering of green....

Completely whacked and at a loss for ideas so this will have to do.

It's one of the Boss's Hosta's, there's at least half a dozen in the garden, all variegated.

Second day back at work today, and boy do I know it. First off this morning....a mixed class of 13 year olds ...those who haven't gone to France...trying to show them how to interpret tables of results and draw appropriate my keen 11/12 year olds on the topic of Forces........15 minute nicotine break...then my 16 year olds, practising exam questions, like trying to get blood out of a stone ....20 minutes for lunch........and finally my delightful 14/15 year olds, also practising exam questions, but this time eager and constantly asking questions..."Why do you have to word the answer like that?"..."Could you have this as the answer?".... "What if you put this in your answer?"

An hour planning next weeks lessons and then a meeting on the plans for next year.

Home to an empty house, prepare dinner for the daughter and I and eventually settle just in time for the football at 7.45.

By the by, do you know the origin of the expression "You can't get blood out of a stone"? It's from the medieval stonemasons....many buildings, especially the cathedrals etc, were built from sedimentary rocks like sandstone, which are obviously if the mason cut himself while carving then the blood would soak into the stone and wouldn't come the stone would be ruined and a new piece would have to be carved, because you can't get blood out of a stone.

There you go, some useless trivia for you.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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