Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Guarded Geese

...and with good reason. (you can see mummy herding the young off to the bottom right [blipfolio link])

I don't think I've ever seen baby geese (gosslings?) before, but then I was never looking like I do now. So, this was on my way to work this morning along part of the non-stop cycle path from the end of my street to the estate I work on (this is not unusual - the reverse would be unusual here). I was looking for a Blip because the light is just stunning at the moment (and will be for the rest of summer at sun up and down) when I saw this family setting off for early swimming lessons.

I am having a very bad IT day. Got the laptop up and running again but needs loads of updating. At work I got a brand new PC and may even get CS3 on it (how cool is that for a warehouse guy?). Then I got home.... The main PC has been suffering for a few days now with a virus but now the symptoms are full blown and internet is no longer a recognised concept for the b"#¤%"d. So with a lot of fiddling about ahead I had to "do" my pics on the PC and upload via laptop. You will not be surprised that comments will be limited for the durration.

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