Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Friday Reflections

So, on my way to work this morning there was absoloutely no wind and I thought I should try a reflection shot. This might be a bit too busy to be any good but I just couldn't get over the clarity of the reflection, it's nearly impossible to see the water line. I also got a bird in the picture ....again... but I have no idea what it is, so help please. There are a lot of them around but they are pitch black (despite the grey apearence here) so are not easy to photograph which is why I havn't before now (as well as not knowing their name).

Well, one week of cycling is over and quite apart from the bliss of blipping my way to work it has been great fun to get there under my own steam. Still more IT stuff to sort but the major stuff is mostly done now. It's going to be a scorcher here this weekend, which is nice - hope you all have the same.

I do quite like the big reflection.

Finally a big congrats to the one and only Gazimp on his 200th. Hope to see you on Symi in about 150 Blips time.

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