1 little duck went swimming one day...

The children and I found a mum and 6 ducklings walking back from town this afternoon so we went home and got some wheetabix and my camera and popped back to feed them. When we returned mum was sat with all the babies under her sleeping except this little stubborn one that was swimming around and chasing flies. It was like the duckling version of Erin!!! We sat for a while watching them and Jack and Erin loved it, Erin was informing people walking by all about the fact that we had given them her breakfast.
Jack and Erin have been in lovely moods today, very playful yet well behaved. They even came with me to vote and sat like angels in the side room whilst I went in. As usual they were charming the socks off everyone that came in after me. Wierdly when we popped in to see Jayne at her work someone said to me
"are they twins? I bet you get asked that 10 times a day"
I used to but not so much now. Yet then on the way home I was asked another 4 times!!! Very bizarre.

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