Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


Home safe and sound in LA and so begins the task of looking through all the images from the trip. We flew on April 12th so the backBlips will be popped in from then on.

What a glorious one it was! From the family holiday to celebrate Dad's 75th, all of us for the 1st time in 5 years and the first time with The Boys, to my sneaking up to the Palace gates at the Royal Wedding for my scoop (I'll post a link to more soon as the I'm loving the joyful, colorful images seeping through), through meadow and bluebell walks with my sister, boardwalks over sand dunes, a one horse town, walking the South Downs National Park or strolling through my favorite spot in London, St James' Park. A truly fab day with Sarah and Godfather Iain at the Natural History Museum for Reu's 4th birthday on Monday. She indulged us with home made fairycakes, a roasted pinenut carrot cake and champagne to enjoy on the lawn.

Up at 3am this morning after last night's arrival and I made a start on managing the images only to get caught up editing a few (can't resist), then the boys were awake in time for school. Not content to wait till this afternoon to continue reviewing them, I dragged the big iMac to school with me.

I can only say how divine it was to shoot with the 5Dii, and create running images from stills when the moment called. I love how I can finally create movies in the style of my photographs and I'm full of ideas and test clips of how I want to achieve it. Perhaps the Flips are a little more economical though on disk space.

The question is, with the boys both now asleep at 6pm, when do I wake them up for bedtime?

I know... I'm procrastinating. I have work to do to prepare for a wedding shoot on Saturday, what will be my first industry standard priced wedding!

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