Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


So, 10 months after signing up, today's the day I set off.
- bags are packed
- cat/house-sitter is installed with a list of instructions
- I've got a whole flock of butterflies that have taken up residence in my belly
- house still needs a clean

Thanks to regular viewers for putting up with me whittering on about the trip! You get some peace for a while now ;-)

And a huge thank you to the blippers who've sponsored me. I can't begin to explain how much it means to me that people I've never met have been so generous. It really is very much appreciated.

If anyone's managed to avoid my Peruvian ramblings so far and wonders what I'm doing, I'm trekking the Inca Trail to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support: www.justgiving.com/odeybird

I look forward to catching up with you all when I get back!

Edit: I'm slightly worried by how many people say they want good photos! No pressure then ;-) And the reason I've included the 450D on this blip is that unfortunately I've decided to leave it behind and take the baby Canon compact instead. I love my DSLR but it's too big, too heavy and too expensive to take on this trip. And the baby Canon's been across Russia, Mongolia and China with me so I know it travels well :-)

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