It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

8, 9, 10....coming....ready or not....!!

Here I am hiding in the bushes on the beach this morning! I was allowed a play because I did so well with my "intensive" training!

To start with I thought mum was joking. Do you know that when I decided I didn't want to go in her direction, she just ignored me. I sat down, then layed down and mum just walked to the end of the extendy lead and waited. She kept her back to me and completely ignored me. Normally I would get her teasing me with treats or calling to me and making lots of noise, and even sometimes she would come back and pick me up! but no, there was nothing this morning. For a while I waited, thinking surely surely she would do something. Do you know what.........she sat down on the floor too?!! In the middle of the pavement, she just sat there....cross legged. Well, I could't resist running up to investigate and then she just jumped up and started walking, so I thought I had better stay with her in case she did something like that again. I got LOADS of treats for walking along with her but each time I decided to stop she didn't give me more attention she just ignored me. I was most put out.

So after a while I think I understood that if I walk with her I get lots of treats and then if I try and be stubborn she just ignores me. I THINK thats what is going to happen. I may try again tomorrow though just to see......

So I was allowed another swim after that :-) Love love love swimming as you know. I would run up to these bushes to roll around and dry off between each swim. Apparently a lady said to mum it was called sea spinach and humans can eat it. Mum said she wasn't sure she wanted to try. Not even I ate it!

This afternoon I had another walk and mum and I walked along with a man and his Collie called Alfie. The man kept telling mum how wonderful I am (of course!) he said I was a very classy doggie and that if mum wants to get rid of me he would have me. Mum said she would never ever get rid of me, she loves me too much :-)

Mum said thank you sooooo much to our lovely blip friends who make such lovely comments about me and offer mum really valuable advice. We are really lucky and very very grateful.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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