It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Swimming.....At last!

Here I am on our little seafront and yes you guessed it, I went SWIMMING! Yippeeeee! I LOVE swimming so so much. This was taken about 9.30 this morning. We were the only ones on our little beach to start with. It is a bit stoney and rocky but I didn't care, I still rolled around on my back on the stones, trying to dry myself off.

A lot of people who were walking along the little promenade stopped to watch me. I was quite a showcase, tee hee! then a gorgeous collie called Bella came and joined me. She was a bit wary of me and didn't play but we both chased our balls into the water and had a good old swim. It was GREAT! I forgot how cold the water was and after a while mum made me stop because I was shivering so much! I didn't notice though, I just kept waiting for mum to throw the ball in again. I REALLY didn't want to go!

Its been such an exciting day for a puppy like me because after my lovely swimming this morning, I had a lovely rest in the sun in the garden and then this afternoon mum took me to the field where I played and played and played with Dillon and 2 other doggies called Libby and Gilly. It was soooooooo much fun. We played for nearly an hour. Then when I got home, Daddy was home, YAY! so I played with him whilst mum made tea. I am very very tired now. Time to snuggle with mum on the sofa I think.

Mum just reminded me to thank everybody so so much for all their tips on getting me to walk on the lead. Apparently she said we start "intensive training" tomorrow. I am a little bit worried what that means. Mum should know by now that its my way or the highway.........Daddy said "don't under estimnate your mum Lily, she can be as stubborn as you"

Tomorrow is going to be fun.......

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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