Corin the Steam

So, home, to my lovely husband and son. Normality, such as it is. Lots of hugs, plenty of big mugs of tea (a decent cup of tea was close 2nd in the "what did you miss most" competition), sleep for 3 hours, a couple of urgent emails and then a few hours sorting through photos, which are not yet done, but there is some semblance of order appearing.

Some interesting architecture here

Backblip - Snow White makes eye contact

Back blip - Even soldiers eat lunch

A bit of time to reflect on the trip - a success overall, lots to be proud of, some real personal successes and moments that remind you that trips like this for students are really important, no matter how soul destroyingly knackering they are. In all, the many, many positives outweighed the odd moments where children were children in their truest sense. No biggies - we all got back home, there were no significant incidents, no-one got lost or damaged.

Corin, being his normal inquisitive and playful self, getting his old model steam engine going.

Good to be home, not so much looking forward to work on Monday as there are a couple of stressful days coming up.

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