As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Get Silly

Green and Gold Invitational!

School was kind of boring but we had the Lynbrook Green and Gold Invitational after school! I ran a 4:56 mile!!!! I finally broke 5:00!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!! Then I ran a 400 in 61.3 which is okay but I don't really care because of that mile!!!!!!!!!! Everyone ran well today. Vinny's neck was hurting him all day but I don't really care anymore because HE DROPPED MY CAMERA!!! Don't worry, it's fine, but I had a mini-heart attack. He's never touching any of my stuff ever again (first the sunglasses, now the camera...). Other than Alyssa hurting her ankle in the 1500, we had no injuries, which is always a good thing. I colored with Abby in between races and after our team was completely done, we bernied and jerked together. That was a lot of fun! After the meet, I went to Ashleigh's house to eat Chinese food with Office Building and Brendan. We watched Little Shop of Horrors and I almost fell asleep. It's been a long day!

This is Dymond, Kayla, and Grace getting silly!

Word of the Day: Premonish - To warn beforehand

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