The List Lady

By listlady

On the Shoulders of a Giant

Today, we've been mainly cleaning! We've been doing cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning in the house in the great dust clear up that's needed after the central heating's been replaced. It's also the start of the work to remove the leylandii at the side of the garden before a fence is put up.

And this afternoon, I discovered the wonder of RugDoctor carpet cleaners and how much disgustingness it removes from carpets. Brilliant!

The Blip
This was a last minute walk in the garden before putting the kids to bed. Alex decided he wanted to stand on Hubbie's shoulders - so he did! I don't think he'll be able to do this for much longer - he's grown so much recently!

Anyway, tomorrow holds the joys of more cleaning, a trip to Sainsburys and trying to sort out and move back all the things we moved out last week for the heating to be done.

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