The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies


Friday was shaping up to be a super-rubbish day. The fine weather had all but disappeared, I had to go to both the hospital and the bloomin' tooth jockey and I was missing out on potential coffee and gossip with friends shenanigans...

But then, despite my referral for dum dum dum ROOT CANAL TREATMENT on Monday, it all started to look up. I found an ace wee shop in Rosemount to buy a birthday pressie for Ella's wee chum's big day. The lovely ladies in Cloudy Blue commiserated on my tooth trauma and gee'd me up with all their gorgeous bits and bobs. The pain in my tooth started to calm down enough for me to have a cheese slice and I got to go for coffee with the girls in the afternoon...

And then? The sun came out, the birthday party started and before I knew it I was on to my second/third/ of something bubbly and having an absolute blast. That has got to be the best fun I have ever had at a kid's birthday party. I got home at quarter to midnight, panicked and scribbled this on the blackboard (made by the lovely Daisyglaisy, provider of the evening's entertainments). I thought it was all highly amusing (I also thought it was a good idea to eat a fishfinger and grated mozzarella sandwich at midnight to help "sober me up"?). It was only when I uploaded it on to the laptop I realised just how shoogly and out-of-focus my artistic endeavours had been.

What an excellent Friday.

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