
By skaterg1rl

i have new wellies

after years of not having any

i particularly like walking in puddles and the fact that i have got wellie socks too.

after a week of long hard graft, i sent off the application and celebrated by taking cb1 riding while i puddle tested my wellies. we had kids to play in the afternoon - they had electronic fun and then we dunked them in the pool. nearly forgot to take one out of the pool and only realised he was still swimming when i had taken the other three off to get changed and realised i was a man down.

went to an actual party which was fun. it all felt grown up with respectable young people handing round drinks. felt like i'd definitely slipped over the old person/young person divide and in some ways was reminded of the kind of parties my parents used to go to. not sure i'm too happy about that.

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