Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys

Mothers Day

Ahh Mothers Day, a day to sleep in and be pampered all day. Well not really but I still had a very enjoyable day with my family. Our morning started off early with getting ready for church. I had to laugh because when I went in Carter's room he asked me to leave for a few minutes. After a short time had gone by he surfaced with a handmade card, three dimes and seven pennys. That was my Mothers Day gift from him, it made both Scott and I giggle. Carter had made a special project in school last week but accdidentally left it in the PTA room where we were working on some things for a while before leaving school. Jack's teacher had them make adorable lady bug cards for all the moms. Inside she gave the kids pictures she had taken from the end of last summer during her home visits with each student and parents. So inside Jack's special card was also a picture of the two of us together. It was very sweet and I love that the teachers help do something special with the kids for these types of days. Poor Scott, I ruined his Mothers Day surprise for me. We had gone out to dinner the evening before and as we left he let me know my "surprise" for Mothers Day was they were taking me to buy an new outfit to wear to our brunch reservations the next day. was 8pm, I was stuffed from eating far too much and we had both boys with us. It didn't really sound like a shopping trip that would go too smoothly so I graciously declined. I think his feelings were a little hurt or maybe he just felt scrambled because he knew he had nothing else to replace his idea with.

After church we picked up my mom and took her for a nice brunch at a nearby private golf club. Once a year they open their doors to the public on Mothers Day for brunch and so it's become tradition that we go nearly every year. Since my dad passed 4 years ago we make an extra point of making holidays special for my mom, she deserves it anyway. The picture I've used today is of my mom and the boys. My mom has been the type of mom that every daughter strives to eventually be. She's supportive, loving and caring. No matter what the situation she has always been there for me to help me through. Her strength while taking care of my dad when he was sick and then picking up the peices of her life after his passing has been an inspiration to myself and my two sisters. I couldn't ask for a better mom or grandmother to my boys. The boys LOVE her so much. She is the "fun" grandma. The one who sits on the floor and plays games with them, takes them to the park, watches movies with them, takes them to McDonalds etc. The bond she has with both of them is so special and I am forever grateful for it.
After brunch we ran some other errands and then spent the evening watching a movie I've been curious about seeing for a few years now. It was a very enjoyable Mothers Day and at the end of the day I was reminded again how blessed I am. I'm not sure what I did to deserve all that I've been given but I'm quite grateful for it all.

Happy Mothers Day to all you wonderful moms out there!

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