Evil Goat

By evilgoat

bent spokes

Been off work since the accident, probably be a few more days until I return to work.

It's quite depressing really, being at home is boring as I am unable to do the things I would normally do.....

The bruising on my backside has eased a bit so I can walk about (although slowly and stiffly). But my left shoulder has limited movement and strength and gives a lot of pain. So am trying to rest. Not easy.

The remnants of the accident are in the dining room, so I keep passing the reminders - the damaged helmet, torn jacket and bent back wheel. Think I need to move it all down to the garage...

The collision support unit have requested a statement and are sending a form, and I've contacted the CTC advice line and they've agreed to support my case if necessary.

Also have a GP appointment tomorrow to see if I can get a physio referral. I want to get this shoulder fixed.

A huge thank you to everyone who passed on their best wishes.

I'll be back on the bike soon!

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