Evil Goat

By evilgoat


Saw my GP today, not my normal one but the first chance I had of getting an appointment at my normal GP practice.

He said that seeing a Physio is a waste of time, gave me a prescription for high strength cocodamol and told me to take some of that and move my shoulder about.

I don't trust him, so will be calling a physio in the morning.

A & K gave me a lift down there, and on the way home stopped at the accident site. Found my bike light that was mounted on my seat post. The lens was shattered but the light was still on and blinking!

Also lots of pieces of wing mirror.

Had great food tonight, courtesy of A & K and then went to the flicks to see Bank Job. Supposedly a true story, but it struggled to work out if it wanted to be a comedy or a drama. without being enough of either.

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