Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

One of those days...

... I didn't want to blip this.

And I might be going to grumble a bit now...

I'm busy (aren't we all!).
I've started a new job.
This is the Thing I Said 'Yes' to and thought I might regret.

I'm not allowed to even have a camera, in a bag, on the premises. (Children are there. I understand (who doesn't?) the need for care regarding children and images. But I'm missing LOADS of blip-opportunities! This morning there was a Mr and Mrs Sparrow bookends-shot, and a robin who just sat and chatted for a minute or two on a local, mossy, standing stone, against a brilliant blue-sky, saying 'blip me then'!).
And then, when I DID go out with the camera the battery went after a few shots and I don't think it will charge before I'm expected somewhere else that isn't camera-friendly! Oh! Grrrrr!

I find it hard to break rules (a typical, boring conforming 'good girl'!) but I'm seriously considering a bit of outrageousness and taking my camera to work!

So, this is the blip, owing to the Curiosity Factor. Ants are showing it HUGE interest. There are three similar ones on my honeysuckle 'trunk'. Perhaps it's some kind of parasite? I think it's a limpet-like creature. But, it might just be ant candy! I have a sharper image of 'it' but I thought the albeit blurred ant showed perspective, size-wise.

Again, it doesn't deserve any comments.

I'm pants at the moment 8-/

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