Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Bike Harbour Butcher...

...escapes as police discover more victims.

Ok, perhaps I've been watching too many Dexter reruns*. I saw this pile of dead bikes every day last week so this morning I thought I better try a Blip before it was gone. I wasn't happy with this mornings shots so I went back on the way home - gone. Bugger. So here's the best of a hurried lot this morning.

I remember when we were in Amsterdam that the tour guide told us the canals were 3 meters deep and 2 of those meters were bikes. So I guess Københavns (Copenhagen spelt propper) council are trying to avoid the problem here getting as out of hand as it has there. It's a council boat in the foreground.

*(Last two episodes of season 2 tonight - so no comments 'till later.)

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