
18months 19 days

Katie decided at 11pm last night that she didnt want to sleep in her room. Mummy's bed was all that was good enough, so in she came. I reckon her teeth were sore again as she woke up crying several times. Despite that, she woke up in a very cheerful mood, allbeit at 6am. She played in my room until 6.45 when she battered me on the head (literally) with my slipper, insisting I got up. She ate a pot of grapes and then discovered a chocolate biscuit that I had dropped last night and claimed that determinedly.

We went out to tea and toast, her saying "Emma, Kiki, Harrison" the whole way there. I stopped in at one of the shops and she picked some very cute little dungarees, because they had a dog on them and happened to be in her size at a good price! She scoffed two full slices of toast and a load of Julie's grapes before looking at me and saying "Down please. Play". She spent ages wandering round with a little cleaning trolley, gathering the teapot, the phone and other equally essential items. Glad she's worked out the priorities when tackling cleaning!

We were all heading off together from tea and toast, but Katie insisted on giving everyone kisses before we left. She does a fantastic pucker up when she wants a kiss. As we walked along the street, she kept getting distracted by things - the florist and her pretties are always a tough one to get past, the worst being the pub that has lots of strings of twinklies in it's archway entrance! I said to come on and keep up with Kiki and Katie said "Kiki, catch". She's com,ing out with words these days that I had no clue she knew.

We all went to the play cafe (hooray for free-entry tuesday being extended to May!) Katie sat happily beside Tatiana in their highchairs, both eating pom bears, but from the other one's pile. Katie ate some of Emma's pizza, none of her grapes, all of her own yogurt, and the others swapped similarily. Aside from her attempting to flip herself head first over the (low level) entry barrier, she had a blast running round.

We got back and I put her to bed. She didnt even squawk and was nearly asleep before I closed the bedroom door. I went in after an hour or so and tried to wake her, but she was having none of it. I ended up dozing off on the floor beside her for half an hour. I got us up just as we got a call that the plumber was on the way, so he's been and now.... WE HAVE HOT WATER!!!

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