michigan man

By outdoorguy

Greener Grass

The saying goes..."The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."

For these geese, the saying may be true. On this side of the fence is a photographer who sometimes gets too close. Also, on this side is a public park where the boaters, fishermen, and kayakers put in. One more minus is the public sidewalk where people and their dogs walk by.

On the other side of the fence is a private residence. The people who live there have a pretty rock garden filled with tulips and other spring flowers. They also put out some kind of feed for all the waterfowl. When I looked over the fence today...there were 5 different families of geese, and probably 8-10 ducks. The geese and duck families like the space, and, I guess the people don't mind what they are stepping in.

As for people...The Grass Is Never Greener!!! We think it is, or we think it will be. Among other things...we like the neighbors house...we like their car...they even have a cuter dog. We have to learn to stay on our own side of the fence, and do the best we can with what we have. The secret to life ? CONTENTMENT. A hard lesson to learn.

Let the geese wander.

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