
After wheeling my doctor around for his appointed rounds...my baby sister came over, and we went in search of buying a garage. Or, at least some things that people had set up in front of their garages. A slow Thursday. Only about 10 garage sales.

I did buy my grandson a Little Tykes plastic automobile. The kind where you sit in it, and propel it with your feet. No pedals. I also had my eye on 2 Coach purses. $10 bucks apiece. One red, and one black. I put the red one on my shoulder, and asked the lady if she thought I could get by using it as a man bag. She was too polite to give her opinion. I thought about buying it just so complete strangers would ask..."Is that a Coach?" All the lying aside...my sister bought the red one. Just another feminine thing I will never understand.

Peach of a day. 65 and sunny. I took a walk out behind my house...in search of anything blippable.

Among many flower shots...I found this Tiger Swallowtail. He/she only let me take 4 shots. I tried to determine its make and model.

"Are you a Western? Do you say things like "far-out", and "that's righteous, Dude?" No answer.

"Are you an Eastern? Do you shove other butterflies off the flowers? Ever drank from a bowl of chow-dah?" No answer.

"How about Appalachian? Ever spend hours on a porch just whittling, hummin, chewin, and spittin? Ever eat a crawdad?" Nothing.

I thought I would never find out. Finally, Mr. Yellow spoke. "Bet you thought I wasn't coming, eh? Bet you thought you were going to be without butterflies this year, eh?

2 sentences were enough for identification. It is a Canadian Tiger Swallowtail. Wherever he/she is from...glad they're back. A beautiful sign of summer.

Put into LARGE for a better look at the eyes and feelers. (didn't want to try to spell an-ten-na.)

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