Learning day by day

By EmmaF


I've blipped this before, when the diggers had just started. Now it is almost ready for use and we have noticed to our alarm that there are six five-a-side goals along the side and what looks suspiciously like netting to divided the main pitch in three across the pitch. The reason this is worrying is that it was bad enough having this built outside our back garden, but due to the various sound and light surveys undertaken by the college, our house is not covered by the bund. The bund is supposed to reduce the sound pollution and the sound survey suggested that the noise from the pitch during an 11-a-side game would just be inside WHO guidelines at our bedroom windows and therefore they did not need to extend the bund to cover us. However I very much doubt that that will be the case when there are three 5-a-side matches going on! I feel a letter to the planning people and my councillor coming on.

Good day otherwise I managed to see the granite on our peninsular unit in the kitchen for the first time in months (now I just have bags of stuff to sort out in the study), Carys hoovered the playroom, she played in the garden while I sorted the front and side out and then we went swimming.

Cake making mostly tomorrow afternoon so that Carys can give them out at Nursery on Friday as the beginning of her birthday weekend.

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