Learning day by day

By EmmaF

One little duck...

Ok so it is another duckling, but it is very cute and both Carys and William were captivated by him and his four brothers for a very long time, which was amazing considering we were on the way to the 'play soft' and usually Carys is oblivious to anything until we get there.

Very nice day today. Tumbletots started again for William. He has made huge improvements in the last four weeks and seemed to really be enjoying himself until 5mins before the end when he threw an almighty strop because he saw our bag and wanted food and obviously I said he couldn't have anything. Consequently we left early, he was asleep before we left the car park, that'll be the effects of a late night then.

We picked up Carys and headed to town to do a few jobs prior to going to the soft play and finalizing the plans for her birthday party there a week on Sunday. It was lovely to watch them playing nicely together as the place was very quiet with only three other children playing while we were there. I had a great time chasing them around the top floor with both of them giggling manically. Last time we were there William wasn't really able to use the playframe and stayed in the baby area, but although he needed help from either Carys or myself to get up a couple of steps he was totally independent and loved exploring.

Just after three we headed back to the car, which we had left at nursery, and headed on to Ballet class. William had a ball running round the hall we use to wait in, playing with a little girl who is the same age as him. Both kids were eating dinner while we SKYPEd Granny and Grandad. Daddy came home and then tiredness kicked in and bedtime was alittle stressful to say the least.

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