Family 6

By meganrose

Liam's Grin!

He would make the lead in the 'Tale of the Wide Mouthed Frog', would Liam. Currently he is sitting his year 6 SAT's - they aren't really bothering him as you can see. I popped in to ask his teacher how he thought he might get on and whilst I was there learned that the others call him 'Braniac'. I hope he lives up to his reputation!

Another day on the Census - we have already gone from 182 questionnaires to 130 ish to complete, so we are feeling fairly confident. Fleetwood is proving a mixed place.

I turned my back on the garden for 2 days and everything has gone wild. Who knows what it will be like by the end of tomorrow... Maybe I'll ask the Bill Oddie look-a-like to come and see if there are any unusual birds.


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