Family 6

By meganrose

Millenium Bridge

I ran out of time today - Census Questionnaires all day and then a lovely meal with the much lovelier Jen at Quite Simply French. It's a nice little restaurant tucked away on Lancaster's Quay. The area surrounding it is ripe for development - I imagine the French restaurant would be right at home if there were bars, tabac's and cafe's in the area with plenty of outdoor seating. It was great to see Jenny, always good company.

Yesterday I visited a house and go t shouted at - 'Hello, my name's Megan and I'm working for the Office of Natinal Statistics - sorry if this is an inconvenient time...' I said, as I realised the elderly lady who answered the door was putting her dressing gown on. 'Yes, it is rather inconvenient' she screached at me. 'What do you want? I'm going for a bath and you have interrupted me...' Apologising, I walked away with a flea in my ear. Today she decided she would complete the questionnaire. She was still a little shrieky - 'What is it. hurry up and tell me - it's cold', but I won her round in the end ansd she apologised if she had seemed rude the daybefore. 'I thought it was rather funny' she said... . She was a London girl once - having left about 60 years ago - and still harboured desires to return there one day. She also wished she had trained as a psychologist as she thought people we strange. 'I often wonder if it's me' she said. I said nothing.


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