A day in my life :)

By bonbon2011

Who's walking who?

Today was a pretty good day. Weather actually improved and got nice and sunny towards later afternoon. Met with an advisor at the community college to try and figure out how best to use my college credits and education up to this point. Meeting went well. Most helpful advisor I have ever met with! Watched my Granddaughter all day so had to fit that meeting in when my husband came home. Worked out fine. She got a good nap in and slept too long, as now she is still awake and it's after 9pm. I'm exhausted!! Not much else going on. SO sick of dealing with the drama this marriage has brought my way! The negativity is just horrible. Still looking for a job. Just hoping for something that is good for me and pleasing to God. Well that's about it. Hope everyone is doing good! Goodnight blippers :)

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