Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph


Cycling to work I pass this graveyard every day and as I have mentioned before they are maintained by way of an optional church tax which means they are all very well looked after. In fact this morning I spotted six gardeners hard at work while I had a wander round. The low light looks amazing passing through all the trees and flowers but I'm not sure I did it full justice here.

I have been planning to stop here for a while but today seemed more appropriate than any other day as I had only just found out about Molly. I have been thinking about her all day and reading various comments. All in all a huge loss for many and my thoughts are mainly with "Himself" and I hope he has the support he needs at this time. I have surprised myself with how much she meant to my daily Blipping and how upset I am - ridiculas, I never met her, but there it is. Slefish I guess.

Rest well Molly.

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