michigan man

By outdoorguy

Maiden Voyage

This morning I took my new baby blue kayak out for the first time. Her name is Annie Gale. After a few leans to the right, and leans to the left...she felt pretty good. I took my maiden voyage on our local millpond.

A few observations:
1. At first, I regretted taking my camera, even if it was in a dry bag. I thought I was going over, and it would have been both embarrassing and cold.
2. It hurt my back. I don't think I had my seat adjusted right, but was afraid to try to adjust it while I was in it.
3. I saw way too many muskrats (3). Can they jump in my boat ? EGHHHHH!!!
4. More fun going downstream and downwind rather than up.
5. After seeing the swan on her nest...I wish I would have had my better camera.
6. Geese fly away when you approach...turtles don't pose.
7. I don't think I'll be joining the Pro Kayak circuit anytime soon.
8. It's easier to get in the boat than it is to get out. Getting out made me feel like a 58 year old man, and I hope nobody was watching as I kind of rolled out.

All in all, it was a nice hour-and-a-half. Need to think about a little more padding for my back and for just above my knees. Great to be able to get so close to the swans nest. Hope I can get back and see some babies without being attacked. When I got back to my put-in spot...a family of geese was eating. 14, count em, 14 babies!!! That's the most goslings I have ever seen in one family.

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