Good walk with Juno this morning, we had Baxter for company and the dogs fought over the ball as we all chatted.
No work today, a holiday.
Headed off to the allotment for a cabbage planting session. Arrived and the rain came on, sat listening to a Midweek about Moodscope and Paul Broda who talked about his memoir 'Scientist Spies', centres on the lives of his mother, father and stepfather, the latter two spies who passed nuclear secrets to the Russians in the 1940s. Fascinating stuff.
Greenhouse watered, cabbages planted out then a wee bit tidying up. Three allotmenteers then set about creating a raised plot and planted out redcurrants in an area were people just tipped rubbish. What a difference and good fun.
Back home and off to football, eco daughter was at hockey at school and someome has taken her sheepskin boots(she saved up herself for them) out of the changing rooms, She was upset and will contact school and get them to check over the CCTV.
Football was good tonight, turns and creating space.
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