Swimmers' Log Book


Dead or alive?

Uncle Charles, having just laid the last slab of the base for Mum's new greenhouse.

I've had a fun couple of afternoons 'labouring' for Chuck, who has flown down from Scotland to help Dad with mastermind the project. Precision work, of course, a real 'Dobb Job'. Clearly I'm not a true Dobb, too much 'that'll do' in me for that.

It's been great getting stuck in and helping - yesterday I was let loose with a pick-axe to loosen up the topsoil and today with a cement mixer!

6 buckets of sand to 1 cement.

Unable to lift the bags I, in a very girlie way, shovelled the materials about using Mum's best gardening trowel. Still, I got there, and the mix was duly mixed.

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