Joe's Blips

By joesblips

For Molly

I am quite devestated. Since I first signed up with Blipfoto, I have made many friends. All bar one I have never met. Among all of those with whom I regularly, ie. daily corresponded, Molly McGregor was the one with whom I had the most fun. Using the handle, "Tuscany" and writing and blipping out of that sunny region of Italy, she often chided me for my impish sense of humour. In fact it was she who had the greater sence of mischief and fun and her journal entries were a joy to read. I began to think that I knew all her neighbours with their odd ways and individual talents.

All that is no more. Poor Molly passed away last Sunday and I only found out about it last night. I was wondering why she hadn't blipped anything for a few days as she was the most faithful of blippers and I don't remember her ever missing a day despite anything which came her way during a day.

Last week I posted a shot of our Potato Plant and she replied..."Real potato blossoms. Ah, no, this year they're in a new little patch of land down a very steep cliff. I wouldn't want to have to climb back up. I don't think even Benzina Betty will pinch them." Dear Molly was avid about her garden her flowers and her vegetables. She was looking forward to the simple pleasure of harvesting her potatoes later in the year.

On Saturday May 7th she commented on my shot of the windblown tulip petals as follows..."I fell quite hard for this one. I don't know why except that it is beautiful and unusual. The petals still look vital and lovely, gone before their time. I understand they are breeding tulips with multiple heads. I have seen a picture of one. I don't think more is better." Within a day or two, she too was gone, long before her time.

I feel so bad, even tearful. Her poor husband, Ken, who was always known in her comments as "Himself" must be suffering terribly and I know that every one of us who has a faith of any sort will be backing him in prayerful support and trusting that when the gloom passes, he will find great solace in his memories of a truly remarkable partner and a wonderful human being.

For Molly today I have taken one of the Potato Plant's tiny blossoms and blipped it in memory of her wish to harvest and eat her own potatoes of the edible variety.

Molly, we had planned to visit Tuscany next year and I so looked forward to meeting you. Alas that meeting will not happen now. Perhaps in another place where time and pain have no dominion. Please don't cause too much mischief up there!

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